Brandon Strayhon

Web Designer / Website Manager

WordPress • eCommerce • Business

My Skills

Let's Build

Something Special

Elevate Your Online Presence
with Top-Notch Web Design



I set out to deliver stunning websites.
Rest assured, you are in good hands.



Pricing for my services varies depending on your needs.
  Contact me for a quote in regards to your project.

Definitely!  I have built and worked on eCommerce websites from small sites selling a few items to large websites selling thousands of products.  Whether you have a small eCommerce business, or a larger operation, I can deliver an experience that your customers will love .

Pricing for my services varies depending on your needs.  Contact me for a quote in regards to your project.

Yes, I can manage your website and keep it up to date whether its a blog or and eCommerce website.

I absolutely love WordPress and I have over 10 years of experience working with it.   Powering about 40% of the entire web, WordPress is a dominant force when it comes to building websites.  A favorite for blogs, WordPress is an excellent choice for people who want to broadcast their thoughts to the world.   In summary, yes, I have WordPress experience and would be happy to build your next project with this amazing platform.